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bobbyworld's Main Blog
Sunday, 28 March 2004
Lack of blogging...
I haven't kept up much with this blog as much as I wanted. There has been so much happening in my life since the last entry. I do have a more recenty entry on my PhotoBlog. Stay tuned until I come up with a brilliant idea on what I decide on what I'll do with my blog(s). There is a good possibility, I'll merge the blogs into one blog. Makes more sense to keep up with one, than the 3 I have now. This one I found out about first, and then I found the nice photoblog service provider. The idea of a blog is a great idea and I'll definetely figure out some way to incorporate it more into my web publishing.

Posted by bobbyr at 11:13 AM EST
Friday, 12 September 2003
Announcing new version of my website!
Tonight, I have updated the design of my website. New features include: Navigation and access to my photoblog and main blog here, HTML improvements and improved Photo Gallery. So much has gone on lately in my life. I haven't been able to update this blog much recently. Of course , not until tonight, hardly anyone knew about this blog since it wasn't linked from my website. I will post more in my blog about updates to the website , pictures added to my photoblog and just random items I want to share. I'm really excited about the minor changes that were done and I hope it will be a good starting point to future advancements in my website. :)

Posted by bobbyr at 8:55 PM EDT
Saturday, 26 July 2003
Nike Skateboarding Team

I went to Pitcrew Skateshop in Frederick, MD to see the Nike Skateboarding Team. The team ended up being an hour late because of traffic. Also, I find out there is no place for them to do a demo. Plans to hold it at a local skatepark didn't end up working out. Bummer, cause I hear Nike has put together a talented team.

While I waited, I got to see the DC Shoes dvd and other skateing dvds. The DC Shoes dvd was just released and I had heard good things about it. I stuck around to get the goodies that the Nike team was giving away. A t-shirt (which I got autographed), hat, stickers, and each member had an autograph postcard of themselves. I didn't leave empty handed. :)

I then went to a few Bicycle shops, since I'm hoping to fix up my older BMX bikes and possibly a new one. (And of course a skateboard would be nice also) There won't be any new pictures in My Photoblog, since there was no skateboarding today.

Posted by bobbyr at 4:57 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 26 July 2003 5:01 PM EDT
Photoblog updates and more being added tomorrow ;)
I recently spent the day in DC and added the photos to the Photoblog

I will be adding more tomorrow during and after the Nike Skateboarding team's skateboarding demo at PitCrew Skateboarding shop in Frederick, MD.

Posted by bobbyr at 3:47 AM EDT
Friday, 4 July 2003
Photoblog update and Tony Hawk "blogs" his trip to the AFI Silverdocs Festival.

I recently went bike riding and added some photos from my trip at My Photoblog

Tony Hawk recently added a journal/blog of his trip here in DC @ his official website.
Tony Hawk's Journal
I'm glad to read the behind the scenes of what was going on that day. There was more drama then what us spectators saw. Also, He has some pictures that turned out much better than My Photoblog experiment.

Posted by bobbyr at 2:01 PM EDT
Tuesday, 24 June 2003
tobyMac and Creation 2003 East Festival webcast!

tobyMac releases RE: Mix Momentum today!

Creation 2003 Festival will be webcast. (tobyMac and others scheduled to perform)


Posted by bobbyr at 12:18 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 June 2003 12:22 PM EDT
Monday, 23 June 2003
Photoblog New Entries!

My Photoblog's first real experiment of taking photos from a live event.

I have posted 24 pics from the Tony Hawk demo at Silverdocs in Maryland. Go check it out and tell me what you think.

Posted by bobbyr at 12:05 AM EDT
Saturday, 21 June 2003
Announcing my 2 blogs!

I just started 2 blogs. There is this one your reading now. The other one is a "photoblog". The photoblog is where you will see photos I take with my cell phone.

The photoblog you will be able to view the photos while I'm still at the event as soon as I take them. (Give a take a minute or 2) Tomorrow will be my first try at the photoblog. I will be taking pictures at Silverdocs. Silverdocs is an AFI/Discovery Channel Documentary Festival. Sunday is Community Day and Tony Hawk is going to be putting on a demo.

This main blog your reading now, will be about whatever I feel like shareing at the moment. I'm not sure how often I will blog. We'll see.

Posted by bobbyr at 7:43 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 June 2003 8:05 PM EDT

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